What is more fun than.....a gathering of girlfriends! Conference season is upon us.


My Colorado Springs/Monument Group will meet for our first fall meeting Thursday night, 6:30 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. All are welcome! (Only lap babies--no child care provided.) Bring a snack to share if you have one! (and leave a comment if you are coming--remember, not the church above--a new meeting place!)


What is more fun than.........A handful of women, eating delectable, adult food--crab cakes, spinach feta salad, chocolate mousse brownies, by candlelight in a hotel room, sharing stories, secrets, funny antics, discussing, praying and delighting in being friends. This is the atmosphere at our conferences--mamas who have attended a thousand times while new ones piling in every year. Old friends gather a day ahead of time just for a visit in our "Presidential Suites," and laughing, tears, stories and faith bring us all together again!

What fun it is for me to be upon the verge a whole new set of mom conferences coming soon.  I was greeted once by a sweet friend with a lovely fresh floral lei, fresh from Hawaii from where she had flown. Another toted a large box full of baskets in which to put the chocolates that we give out as women come in the door. Several women thought I needed to add flowers to our registration table and to our mom's leader's tea this morning. But all, with me, are a part of the Lord's hands, voice, message and inspiration for building women into the gracious, wise civilizers He made us to be.  I have a team that I can't do without. We are all a part of a movement of moms to change the world, but together!



My sweet hostesses and friends who helped in California last year--a team effort all weekend.

I adore the women the Lord brings into my life, who work shoulder to shoulder with me in ministering to and reaching out to women. They all come from different walks of life and different cities--some are married with a thousand children, some are single women, some with one child, but all devoted mothers, intentional about raising a godly heritage in their home and teaching and training other women the vision and how to's of such a life.

One of my sweet friends here, who will be sharing about why she leads a mom heart group, said this,

"The Lord showed me how being part of a Mom's group is fulfilling His purposes for advancing His Kingdom on earth, by building a godly heritage right in our home, for a future generation that will influence the world for Christ."

And so my local Colorado team are hosting our first fall event and preparing for our conferences ahead where we will be so very happy to greet you, hear your stories and , speak, love and encourage here in Denver and are so very blessed.

IMG_3383My lovelies, my friends registering in Dallas last year. Love everyone of them. Hope you will all consider joining us for another wonderful year! Place your cursor on the picture and it will take you to registration!

MHC2015-PDF-Poster-791x1024Remember to register before Nov. 1 to enter a drawing for a free conference and get $10 off the conference price and receive a $10 for the book table!