Owning the Beauty of Your Soul with Beautiful Giveaways!

Choosing Light (1)
"Choosing Light"
16 x 20 Original painting by Katy Rose
Oil on Canvas, prepared for wall-mounting
Recently, amidst a freezing day, slugging through snow, sleet and sand on the freeway, Joy and I dropped by to see a close family friend. She was leaving the next day for college and we wanted to see our friend. As we walked in her home for a very short hug and hello, we heard soft music wafting softly, candles were flickering on her table, 3 cups of her grandmother's china held steaming hot tea, and homemade biscotti with chocolate and nuts graced the plates. We both sighed out the stress of our busy day and enjoyed the best 5 minute cup of tea we have ever had. The beauty of our friend's preparation deeply ministered to our over-busy stressful hearts.
Owning our moments by filling them with beauty is wisdom to a woman who understands the marathon run of life. If we are giving out every day, all the time, we must refuel, refresh, take time to rest and take care of our needs so that we can last well and last strong.
God is an artist at heart and His desire to delight us is evident throughout the created cosmos. He loves to delight us. To celebrate our need for beauty, pleasure, variety, personality, I am delighted to give away some amazing gifts of beauty and beauty making. And I cannot say how very thankful I am for these precious friends who have made their gifts available for you!
First, my sweet friend, who is an artist, is giving away an amazing original painting. She painted this just for us! Absolutely thrilled. Meet Katy.
Katy Rose is a mother of two young boys and believes that a life poured out is a life filled up. She writes and shares at her blog about Goodwill Living. What is that? It's that's  about breaking through the walls of our comfort zones and running free. It's about standing on the firm reality that endless acquiring and amassing does not result in peace, but a life poured out in Jesus' name does. It's about embracing our families as immeasurable gifts, worthy of our best. And seeing our homes as central hubs for ministry, whether it's meeting the needs of our families or strangers. Its about owning our lives so that we can share them with others.

As her boys have entered pre-school age, Katy decided to teach them along side the children of refugees.  In the afternoons while her boys nap, Katy paints. She sells her work in her online shop and the beauty that eventually hangs in the homes of others also pours out a ministry, providing surgeries for Iraqui children through the work of the Preemptive Love Coalition.

Today, I am giving away an original work by Katy! A piece inspired by my new book, here's what Katy has to share about it:

"Sally shares this prayer in the beginning of Own Your Life, a prayer she declared before the Lord over 20 years ago. It is the inspiration for this painting:

"Lord, I will choose to find light in the darkness. I have no guarantee about how any of this will turn out, but I am planting flags of faith. No matter what happens, I will be as obedient as I can to bring joy into this place, to create beauty in the wilderness, to exercise generous love, and the persevere in patience. I will choose to believe that wherever you are my faithful companion is the place where your blessing will be upon me." (p. 9, Own Your Life)

Through the mingling of dark and light, this piece draws on the essence of Redemption, the captivating story of God inviting us out the the darkness and into Light. 

As we cling to that Light, we aren't spared from the storms of this world, yet by His grace, we persevere with full confidence in our victorious Redeemer, choosing light."

I hope you win this special work of art to hang in a special area of you home!


It was a profound realization when I understood that I could become an artist with my very life and paint the reality of God, the creator in all the ways I made my home a reflection of His creativity. The next giveaway is to help you plan how to make your own home even more, a place that gives beauty, design, and a plan to make it your own. I can't eve believe that Logan has volunteered to give an amazing gift to you to celebrate this week's launch. I have been amazed at her skill and artistry since I first saw the amazing way she turned Allume into a dazzling, lovely artistic atmosphere for all of us who attended. Amazing talent and skill were obvious.

1167621_10153163650020297_1650847241_oLogan Wolfram, host of the Allume Conference and writer at Life For Dessert is a talented event planner and interior designer. Her new book about following God to unexpected places with a curious faith and soft heart, releases in the Spring of 2016.  Today she is helping me celebrate the release of Own Your Life by donating a One Hour Phone Consultation about the interior design of a room of their choice with a lucky winner! We want you to love the spaces of your home, to learn how to cultivate beauty and contentment and find creative ways to enjoy where you live! Logan's ideas are inspiring!

Finally, I wanted you to have a bundle of my favorite things--things I keep around every day--for daily pleasures and celebration.(My favorite tea--Yorkshire Gold, a vanilla candle, a mom heart necklace, one of Joel's cd's, a journal, a frame-able art quote from a friend, and a dark salted chocolate almond bar.


And don't forget to get your own copy of one of my books!

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Own your Life is available now. You can buy your copy here.

Remember, you can enter the grand prize giveaway every day to win a weekend with me. Enter the rafflecopter on the side bar--and go there to find out the details.

Sooo grateful for all of you who have helped me spread the word about my book. Thanks a zillion!