Home Is The Best Place To Be

Often in this age of social media and comparison, we can foster without knowing it a negative view of home. We imagine that it's out there in the "real" world, on amazing trips or at work, that the important things happen — and that home is just the place we stop to rest in between.

But we will spend most of our lives in our homes. This is not a bad thing, but to the contrary, the way it should be. Home is a place that is not just meant to hold, protect, and house us. It is also a place that was designed to bring life, to foster wonderful memories, to teach minds, to create traditions.

As you spend your days inside your home, don't count the minutes until the next time you leave. Rather, make your home a place worthy of spending the many seconds, hours, and days that you and your loved ones live out.

Read more about this in The Lifegiving Home.