Home Needs A Conductor Of Life and Beauty

A few years ago, on a crisp fall evening, a blazing sunset lured us all outdoors. As we sat peacefully out on the deck, admiring the beauty, the front door opened, and Joel strode out with a weary face and exhausted body. He had worked throughout the previous night and day.

"I just decided to come home because I needed 'us' to give me some rest and peace."

Dinner was still half an hour away. I quickly cut some cheese, arranged some crisp whole grain crackers on a plate, poured a bubbly drink in a glass, and gave him an offering; "Just a little something to hold you over until dinner is ready."

The furrowed brow softened, my son said: "This is why I come home. I knew you all would fill me back up, and I wanted peace and quiet for at least one night."

One of the best powers of home is the life that comes from within that gives comfort, a "place to belong" and a place that soothes the soul and gives everyone a sense of belonging to one another.

Living in a fallen world means that all of us will be subject to heartbreaks, illnesses, and disappointments. Our family has certainly had its share of dark passages: surgeries, car wrecks, a fire in our home, painful breakups, depression, financial struggles, and more. It was in those times we learned the power of a home that offers refuge, a place of comfort and safety away from life's storms. Having a place and time to rest, to be encouraged, and to find hope and healing is one of the most powerful gifts in a lifegiving home.

But such a home needs one who takes responsibility to create and conduct such an atmosphere—one of the gifts a mother gives.

This is what I will be talking about this week in the Life With Sally Book Club as we continue reading The Mission of Motherhood! I so hope you'll join me for exclusive podcasts, journals, ideas, and a community of kindred spirits to encourage you as we walk this journey of motherhood together. #MissionofMotherhood #lifewithSally.com