A Kiss From God

“Your journal will stand as a chronicle of your growth, your hopes, your fears, your dreams, your ambitions, your sorrows, your serendipities.”

— Kathleen Adams

There are times in my life when something special happens and I feel like it is a “kiss from God” to remind me that He loves me and cares about my heart needs. When He graced our family with my daughter-in-law, Keelia, it was such a time.

If you heard my podcast from yesterday, you will understand what a blessing she is to me. She makes me want to be my best self and encourages me along my personal journey. Recently, Keelia created the most beautiful journal, called The Wallflower Journal, with thought-provoking quotes and beautiful pages to offer to women.

With all the snow and all the time inside, I have been asking, “Okay, Lord. How do you want me to use this time well? How can I create some rhythms that will help me in my life?”

I began, once again, to pick up this practice I had not been as faithful at the past busy months. And in journaling, I remembered again what self-nurture it is for my inner self. Journaling brings healing, self-discovery, spiritual strength as we pour out our prayers to God, and a place to understand all that is bubbling up in our hearts. It has been such a wonderful way these past weeks for me to give myself time to discover some areas I needed to confront, to record my deepest prayers for my children and Clay, and even getting rid of some emotional baggage I have been carrying for too long.

So, today, I wanted to encourage you to pick up this healing, encouraging practice for yourself. And I wanted to show you this beautiful journal in case you need a fresh start.

I hope that you will be blessed with breathing in peace, yielding your burdens into God’s hands and clearing out the deepest pondering of your hearts.