Tea Time Tuesday: Courage to Stay Faithful

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I would have despaired unless I had believed

that I would see the goodness of the LORD

In the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord!

Be strong, and let your heart take courage;

Yes, wait for the LORD.

-Psalm 27: 13-14

Tea Time Tuesday

Many years ago I was visiting the Biltmore Mansion in Asheville, NC for a small vacation with Sarah. I loved hearing the stories of the people (artists, musicians, leaders) who had walked the halls of this historical home. When we came upon the “men’s smoking room,” I happened upon the most intriguing print of a lion!

I immediately knew it was Aslan! Serendipitously, when I ended my tour, I walked through a shop where a replica of Aslan was on a prominent wall at just 50 percent off of the previous price. I purchased Aslan, struggled to get him home. But since that time, Aslan has ruled over our home, reminding us of the abiding presence of God, His constant companionship in our home. We need reminders that He is always faithful and good.

Most of us will go through times of doubt and darkness in our walk with God, seeking to live a faithful story in a chaotic world. We are often ashamed of admitting our doubts, negative feelings when it is difficult to see God’s goodness amidst the challenges. Having a friend who can companion us through dark corridors of doubt, who will listen and pray for us, is so important.

David penned his own version of these doubts. “I would have despaired…” Moses, Elijah, Jesus, and others all expressed such darkness. We are not alone.

Biblical truths have held me and helped me through my own dark clouds, anchoring my thoughts and heart to know and understand the never changing attributes of God and his goodness. These truths, stored up in our minds and our children, will speak to us and carry us through. Over the next months I will be teaching a new series about God’s attributes, in light of the foundational 24 family ways that our own family took to heart. My hope is that as we study and memorize some passages, we will be refreshed in building sure truths that will keep us until we see Him face to face.

Listen to my podcast today to hear about books, music, God's goodness, food, more!