Tea Time Tuesday: Declutter Your Heart & Soul For 2024

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“Guard your heart, for from it flow the springs of life.” -Proverbs 4:23

Tea Time Tuesday: Over 800 times in scripture, the heart is mentioned. It is our heart that holds our life, our love, the things we cherish, the values we hold true, the people we care to be close to. Every year this time, I go away by myself with a journal to search my heart in order to clear it from attitude, heart clutter.

We have created a Soul Clutter Journal for those of you who want some guidance to your thoughts and prayers as you spend time with the Lord to clean out and simplify your heart and soul. And for those of you who are members of Life with Sally, there is a special podcast for you this month discussing what it looks like to declutter.

Today, I wanted to share a post Sarah wrote years ago about a day in our lives that transformed her little heart. You see, whatever we practice in life from our heart effects the way our children see life. It is a story about choices in hard times. Another story about choosing to engage in the unlikely choice in a moment of duty and responsibility to throw it out the window in order to bring lasting memories of delight to your children, a memory for life.

Unless our souls and hearts are clean, free to respond to the joy and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we cannot live day to day with a true reflection of His beauty. You will have to listen to my podcast to hear the whole wild details that happened over 20 years ago. But I hope your heart will soak it in.

I am not a perfect mother. So often allowed my feet to be weighed down with duty a ”should.” But, dancing with my Heavenly Father over years taught me to live beyond what the world presented and walk through the wardrobe to celebrate those moments that were truly magical in capturing the imagination of my children for life.

What is weighing on you? What is stealing your joy? I hope our journal will help you start the year well with a lighter heart, soul and body. and I hope this new year will be filled with joy in your every day.

Be sure to join my membership (Life with Sally) where we will have many new resources to inspire you this year.